19 bike fairs coming up!

Friday 31/03/2023

The Brussels bike fair season kicks off on Saturday April 1. This year, no fewer than 19 are already planned. Given the growing demand for second-hand bikes, CyCLO is helping and encouraging local actors and the Brussels sub-municipalities to organize their own bike fairs. These second-hand bike markets offer (future) cyclists the chance to give a new life to a bike they’re not using or to buy one that someone else doesn’t need. So, get that bike out of the basement, so that somebody else can hop on!

In light of the resounding success of the first CyCLO bike fairs, the ever-increasing demand for second-hand bikes and CycloLokal’s solid network of partners, bike fairs are springing up all over Brussels. Depending on their needs, associations or local authorities call on CycloLokal for expertise, logistical help or communications support.

Seven out of ten. Last year, 12 bike fairs were organized in Brussels. No fewer than 19 are planned this year. In 2022, during the previous editions, 979 bikes were brought to the fairs, of which 673 are back on the road in Brussels. Which means seven out of ten bikes were sold. And so much the better, because a bike is made for riding!

Drop-off, check-up, and it hits the road! Usually, sellers can bring their bikes in the morning and the sale starts in the afternoon. Bicycles left at the fairs should still be ridable. An independent team of volunteers undertakes a basic check-up and sets the sales price with the seller. The same team is then available to potential buyers to help them choose and to let them know about any needed repairs. Needless to say, buyers are welcome to take a test ride. Bike sold? The seller receives the sum paid at the end of the day. Didn’t sell? The seller gets the bike back or donates it to the organizer.

Partnership and socializing More than just a new local service for buyers and sellers, a bike fair is also a neighborhood social event, in which different associations work collaborate and at which Brussels residents come together.

Where and when? The bike fair season kicks off on April 1. Here are all the dates and places, and the list will be regularly updated with the latest information. So, what are you waiting for? Get your bike out of the basement, so that someone else can use it!

practical info

All the dates and places: www.cyclo.org/bikefairsbxl
For bike owners: www.cyclo.org/unusedbike
For potential buyers: www.cyclo.org/2ndhandbikecheck


AMO NOH, CEMôme, Communauté de la Poudrière, Communes de Berchem-Sainte-Agathe, Forest et Woluwe-Saint-Lambert, Contrat de quartier durable Bizet, Cycloperativa, Cyklopper, Elastik asbl, Gracq Saint-Gilles Forest, Green Team et Studentenraad VUB, La Roseraie, Les Ateliers de la rue Voot, Les Ateliers Roue Libre, MolemBIKE, PCS NOH, Pro Velo, Ride Your Future, Piste Rouge, Velokanik et La Ville de Bruxelles. Avec le soutien du Service Public Régional de Bruxelles Mobilité


Caroline De Munck


Communiqué de presse 30.03.2023 FR

Persbericht 30.03.2023 NL

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