
Sometimes bikes are stolen or simply abandoned on the street. If the bike is engraved or carries a mybike.brussels-sticker it's easy to find the owner. If not, there is a chance to find it back at the Brussels Depot for lost bikes. Some of bikes arriving here, are published on a Facebook-page.

Looking for a lost bike ? Send a mail to depot@cyclo.org with the following information: 

  • A description of your bike (brand, model, colour, type of bike).
  • Place and moment of its disappearing.
  • Evidence showing it belongs to you (invoice, lock key, unique bike details, photo, etc.).

How to get there? The workshop is on a 10min walk away from Place Meiser. Get there by tram (7, 25 and 62) or by bus (12 and 63) or even by train.

A bike to donate ? CyCLO also centralizes donations from individuals and companies for its refurbishing and training workshops.


Chaussée de Louvain 661
1030 Schaarbeek


+32 2 219 92 69