Bicycles sheds near with controled access

Are you looking for a bike parking spot near a railway station? Currently there are four bike parking points with access control near the North, Luxembourg, South and the Central station.

  • The parkings in Luxembourg and Central are managed by the CyCLO Bike Points (acces with a CYCLO-badge )
  • The parkings in Midi and North are managed by B-Parking, as part of the NMBS/SNCB (acces with your MoBIB-pass)

Want to offer your bike a safer place right in the city centre or near the place you live? With the help of and your MoBIB-card, you can! 

Please note, the fact that the parking has secure access does not guarantee a total absence of bike thefts. To minimise the risks, read our anti-theft advice.

application/pdf Registration form (137.4 KB)
application/pdf Rates (26.25 KB)

Bicycle shed Central Station

Location: A large indoor bike parking at the Madeleine exit, right next to the Bike Point.

Access system: Pick up your access badge at the Central Bike Point at a cost of €20 per year (including a €5 caution for the card). You can find the detailed Users Agreement in French or Dutch below.

Opening hours : Only open the during opening hours of the station building; Madeleine access times (level -1): open from 4:30 to 20:00, the main access times (level 0): open from 4:30 am to 1:00 am.

Bicycle shed Luxemburg Station

This bike parking is FULL. Want to add yourself to our waiting list? Please give a call to the concerned Bike Point and drop by to complete your registration.

Location: a large indoor bike parking at your left right after entering the building.

Access system: pick up your access badge at the Luxemburg Bike Point at a cost of €20 per year (including a €5 caution for the card).

Opening hours : only accessible during the opening hours of the station: during the week this is between 4:45AM and 1:45AM and during the week-end from 4AM to 1:45AM.


Bicycle shed MIDI Station

Location : a new large covered outdoor bicycle shelter is situated the rue the France entrance/exit (behind the Flixbus station)

Access system : This service is being managed by the NMBS/SNCB. Subscriptions can be done at a SNCB ticket office or a vending machine.

Opening hours : 24/7h

Bicycle shed North Station

bluebike parkingnoord

Location: underneath the station, next to Bike Point there is a large enclosed bike parking with access control.

Access system: This service is being managed by the NMBS/SNCB. Purchase of subscriptions can be done at the SNCB ticket offices or vending machines (if you already have a MoBIB-card).

Opening hours: Only accessible with your bagde between 5AM and 1AM. (The free bicycle parking is only accessible from 6 tot 10PM).